Sunday, June 12, 2005

Summer- Rehoboth Beach. Summer, to me, is Dolle's Salt Water Taffy on the Rehoboth Beach boardwalk in Delaware. OK...the Thrasher's fries are better but go straight to the arteries! LOL!

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FourDotsDesigns said...

Very nice! I like the faded colors with your black lines!

Aravis said...

Nice detail, and suggestions of detail. I wish I was there now! :0)

Anonymous said...

looks like a great place to visit! love the busyness of the illo, you really get the atmosphere!

Cin said...

I too like the faded colors and the soft pencil lines, makes it feel hazy and summery

Anonymous said...

There's a lot of work in this, I like the different characters. See the little person in purple on the left, she's floating from too much cotton candy :)

Ellen said...

Thank You for your compliments. It seems easier to draw something you are passionate about.

P.S. The little purple guy on the left is really a towel the guy is carrying and a bag the lady is carrying...but I can see now where you thought it was a child! LOL!

Melicrious said...

great work. Fascinating to look at. I really like your black and white envy too. Its very graphic. Thanks for your comments on my blog too Ellen. I look forward to seeing more of your work :)

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Delaware, United States
I'm a professional artist, a wife, a step-mother, grand-mother, friend, Ms. Fix-it, older sister and a daughter. A regular "person in progress!" Oh yah, and I draw alot! Copyright 2010-2012.

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