Saturday, April 29, 2006

Under the Sea - Illo Friday

Under The Sea - Illustration Friday - Here are three pieces I did for an informational activity book.
I love doing pictures about the sea, guess it's one of my passions.
Beachcombing - One of my favourite things to do at the beach! You never know what treasures the sea will leave you on the beach. Here on the Delaware coastline there were several shipwrecks from around the 1700's and occasionally coins and other artifacts come ashore! Alas, I have yet to find real treasure. My treasures are the shells, whelk egg cases and fossil rocks!

The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach - waiting for a gift from the sea.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Lobster- MMMMMMM!- Once I use to vacation in Maine every summer. We would go to this resteraunt in BoothBay called "The Lobsterman's Co-Op." You could literally pick the lobster off the boats as they came in. By far the BEST sea food I have ever had...besides "The Lobster Pot" in Provincetown, Mass!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Robot- Illustration Friday

(Insert robot voice here)"You are exactly .05 inches northwest of the beech tree which is exactly 37 years old and home to a family of possums! Would you like to play again?" Sometimes Tommy wished he hadn't made his robot to be quite so smart!

Robot- Illustration Friday.
Whew! Just made it! I was striving to get this in Sunday evening but the computer was pre-occupied with my partner's addiction to "Diner Dash!" LOL!
What a busy week end! I am surprised I came up with anything, let alone three pieces. You get to see my favourite. Sorry it's the rough draft...Again, busy, busy, busy!
Oh, and for you info groupies here's a little more...

History of "Robot"
The idea of artificial people dates at least as far back as the ancient legend of Cadmus, who sowed dragon teeth that turned into soldiers, and the myth of Pygmalion, whose statue of Galatea came to life. In classical mythology, the deformed god of metalwork (Vulcan or Hephaestus) created mechanical servants, ranging from intelligent, golden handmaidens to more utilitarian three-legged tables that could move about under their own power. Jewish legend tells of the Golem, a clay statue animated by Kabbalistic magic. Similarly, in the Younger Edda, Norse mythology tells of a clay giant, Mökkurkálfi or Mistcalf, constructed to aid the troll Hrungnir in a duel with Thor, the God of Thunder.

The word Robot was introduced by Czech writer Karel Čapek in his play R.U.R. which was written in 1920 (See also Robots in literature for details of the play).

Concepts akin to today's robot can be found as long ago as 450B.C. when the Greek mathematician Archytas of Tarentum postulated a mechanical bird he called "The Pigeon" which was propelled by steam. Al-Jazari (1136-1206) an Ortoqid (Artuk) Turkish inventor designed and constructed automatic machines such as water clocks, kitchen appliances and musical automats powered by water.

Source is Google's

About Me

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Delaware, United States
I'm a professional artist, a wife, a step-mother, grand-mother, friend, Ms. Fix-it, older sister and a daughter. A regular "person in progress!" Oh yah, and I draw alot! Copyright 2010-2012.

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