Saturday, July 26, 2008

Canned Tuna

Illustration Friday theme for July 25,2008? "Canned."
The first idea that came to mind...canned tuna, good ol' "Chicken of the Sea!" (as seen in this photo).

Which is now also in pouches (as seen in this photo). I knew I definately had to draw a mermaid.
But the clincher was when I received an e-mail about dolphins getting caught in tuna nets. Then I read on the "Chicken of the Sea" website that they are "dolphin safe since 1990." So, from "canned tuna" to a dolphin safe "chicken of the sea" mermaid comes the illo below.

Check out the site... join the mermaid club! I liked this site also... I found in my mermaid research.


INDIGENE said...

I love your mermaids!

valerie walsh said...

They would sell a lot more cans with your label :)

Anonymous said...

Love your caring illustration. Very sweet and colorful.

isay said...

lovely and colorful!

demonpack said...

In addition your illustration being wonderful, I really appreciate you sharing your thought process in your entries.

The mermaid's hair is my favorite detail in this.

Mim said...

Lovely and great sentiment. Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Pretty mermaid. Allow me to kiss her too! Haha. Lovely!


yum, tuna. ^_^
but, beautiful mermaid and dolphin! love the decors and all the glitters. sad story though, caught in nets.

Vern Mercado said...

is it chicken or is it tuna? that is the famous question of the decade. nice mermaid.

steve said...

That's good news for sure, for Chicken of the Sea eaters. Great job depicting this and let's hope more tuna companies do the same.

soulbrush said...

this is marvellous, and cute too.

Josh (musarter) said...

Great idea. Nice color and framing on the illo. too. The mermaid looks melancholy; maybe she is sad about the dolphins killed prior to 1990.

Suzanne Gysin said...

You should send this to Chicken of the Sea, they would love it.
I like your website, it is friendly and fun.

Laura said...

Great illo! I love your mermaid's hair :>

Donna Gotlib said...

I just read your comment about parallel lives. Thanks so much for your very kind words. Your illustrations are wonderful. This blog would brighten anyones day!


Anonymous said...

A sweet mermaid and nice idea! It's nice that you show how you came up with your idea!
thank you for your comment :-)

theartofpuro said...

lovely illo and great colors

Reagan Carosino said...

I love how you include photos and explain your train of thought. Your final illustration is so charming- I'd love to see it as a mural!

Anonymous said...

Very nice mermaid and dolphin! Really like the colors.

Elise's Art Garden said...

It is fun learning what thoughts and inspirations lead to your final piece! Lovely!!
Thanks for visiting my art garden, and for your comments!
I never dreamed I would love being a grandmother so much!! She is just two months old, and yet I cannot imagine not loving and knowing her!!!

Anonymous said...

how lovely, the colors are wonderful!!

a : )

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your story and colorful illustration. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Anonymous said...

Not only is it rich in Omega 3, it inspires art... tuna, it's what's for lunch!

Lovely, lovely mermaid, so magical. Nice job!

Anonymous said...

I love your illo. I especially love the dragonfly. The colors are really cool. I like her hair and how it matches the curls of the waves and her tail. Very nice.

Teri said...

Very creative, imaginative and needed in the world today!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog. Your illo is really sweet. I love your mermaid's tail. Very flamboyant!

Jasmine said...

but unlike chickens, tuna are endangered! they are more like the bald eagles of the sea. dolphin friendly isn't enough, we should eat tofu instead. or kelp of the sea. would love to see that label instead.

flavia said...

hear hear. chicken of the sea my left foot.

About Me

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Delaware, United States
I'm a professional artist, a wife, a step-mother, grand-mother, friend, Ms. Fix-it, older sister and a daughter. A regular "person in progress!" Oh yah, and I draw alot! Copyright 2010-2012.

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