Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Llama Llama

Llama,Llama...This is done with watercolour pencils- LOVE THEM! I did this when a friend of ours gave our grandson a book called Llama, Llama Red Pajama by Anna Dewdney . It is a very cute book.
My partner and I were toying with the idea of raising llamas.


Pickledog said...

Lovely llama. Raising llamas is a great idea. They keep the grass short. They also provide hair for winter sweaters, and keep monsters away.

Dana S. Whitney said...

I assume you've found the site with the Llama/Duck song?

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Delaware, United States
I'm a professional artist, a wife, a step-mother, grand-mother, friend, Ms. Fix-it, older sister and a daughter. A regular "person in progress!" Oh yah, and I draw alot! Copyright 2010-2012.

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