Monday, November 06, 2006


Here is the revised version of Santa...I can't wait to post for Illustration Friday's newest prompt..."clear!"
P.S. A big "Thank YouI!" to one of my biggest fans, Leigh! "Hope you like the finished product...and can't wait to send the other ideas when they are complete."
Smoke- I-Fri challenge for November 3 (is it November already?!!!!).'s a stretch, but Santa IS smoking! Besides I have a cold...I hate being sick.
I am working on a Christmas card for our communities. This is one of the ones I have so far. It's not complete...but, I was sooo late posting last week! Here it is...Santa "Pot Nets" (That stands for...eel POTS and fishing NETS) style!
We all get around in golf carts here. They even have golf cart parades, races and hopefully in movies!


Michelle Lana said...

Cute illo!

steve said...

Ha ha! Great idea and illustration! Looks like Santa hit Delaware in the summer time!Best luck in recovering from your cold!

° said...

nice fun illoo hope to see it in color sometime. hope u feel better

Kim de Young said...

Are you feeling better? Great picture! I remember when my Grandpa smoked a pipe (he kinda looked like Santa Claus). Looks like Santa is taking advantage of the nice weather some where in this world! If I were him, I wouldn't stay up in the North Pole all year round.

Ian T. said...

Smokin' Santa for the kids to colour in... hmm... nice illo though :).

Roz Foster said...

Very cute. I see Santa has made it to the 21st century. In that setting, I think he needs a margarita, too!

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Delaware, United States
I'm a professional artist, a wife, a step-mother, grand-mother, friend, Ms. Fix-it, older sister and a daughter. A regular "person in progress!" Oh yah, and I draw alot! Copyright 2010-2012.

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