Monday, February 27, 2006

Illustration Friday- Liber-TEA

Liber-TEA- Considering our history with tea in America I thought it only fitting to pay homage to those first settlers who fought for our freedom. "No taxation without representation!" Now to the interesting fact:
Seems as though throughout history people have mistakenly referred to afternoon tea as "High Tea." This is a misnomer. High tea (also referred to meat tea) is in the evening served with dinner. Because dinner was at the high table it was referred to as "High Tea." "Low Tea" is what you have in the guessed it! Served at the "low table" in the living room!!


atomicvelvetsigh said...

nice historical background.. and a funny nice illo... 8) i like the way Liberty smiles while holding a tea! lol..

valerie walsh said...

very clever!! fun too!

Lee said...

this is great ellen...wonderful idea and unique take :)

Joy Eliz said...

This is fantastic! Love it.

phinner said...

Hi Ellen -

What a great interpretation of the theme!!! I love it when I can enjoy something and learn from it at the same time!!!

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my tea post!

P.S. Auntie Ellen, you are so cool to support Nick's art! Its so amazing how kids interpret their world. I like it all!!!

Caroline said...

Strange how we all fell out over a cuppa isn't it?

Well as you point out there was a little more to it than that...

Paige Keiser said...

Hee hee very creative! Love the linework in this and characters. Fantastic job!

Paige Keiser said...

oh p.s. reminds me a little of shel silverstein, but still completely your own style.

TheTart said...

Applause! So original.
Our girl, the toast and TEA of NYC & the USA!

Great one!!!

The Tart

Lily and Lucy White said...

That is funny! Thanks for the history, or will it be ART history (?) tour. Lily.

carla said...

Very clever! I love the combination of images that convey your message. And thanks for the info on the various kinds of tea. Ihe only "tea" I've ever been to was when I was a college student in NY. We used to get dressed up in fancy thrift shop costumes and go have tea at The Plaza in The Palm was splendid!

HARDWAX said...

So funny and original idea, love the high tea, low tea history to, sharp artwork.

Tony Sarrecchia said...

Great imagery and title.

Geninne said...

Cool illo Ellen :o)
Great job...and thankx so much for your post on my blog.
Thankx for helping me learn something new today :o)

Anastasia said...

very clever indeed!!!
cute illo!

Anonymous said...

Interesting story and funny illo :) I like both :)!

Anonymous said...

Didn't know any of that! Excellent line drawing. Made me smile :)

Radha a.k.a Ratlion said...

Lol...Love the statue of liberty holding up the tea cup...Nice touch :)

Anonymous said...

this is great! I love the starbucks cup!!!

Thanks for your comments on my tea piece too!

Marjan Brugmans said...

Thanx for responding on my very first post for Illustration Friday!
I like your tea post too. The story to it is very nice and the drawing is like a newspaper cartoon! Sharp.

steve said...

Nice drawing, especially from a resident of the Nation's First state (I loved visiting Deleware)!

FoodChiCa said...

Liber-tea, what a great idea!

Unknown said...

I Heart NY and this drawing. Do more.

Kay Aker said...

Terrific! Love the loose line style!

Alexandre Maki said...

Liber-tea! Ha! :D

This was a great idea! And your drawing is very expressive. I really like it. :)

Dana S. Whitney said...

I hadn't read your profile before. I wish I'd had lemon tea when I visited the beaches where you are. All that interesting Atlantic flora... SO different from Texas or California. And the birds. Best wishes. (PS: Curly hair is a relief if you've ever lost it all!!)

Anonymous said...

What great work you do! And thanks for the encouraging words on my first post as well!

roz said...

Clever, and I really like how you add a bit of history with your submissions!

butterfly said...

very cool stuffi your line work is also perfect..

mel said...

wow, nice illo plus educated too! :)

Colorsonmymind said...

I love low tea!

Great Illo

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Delaware, United States
I'm a professional artist, a wife, a step-mother, grand-mother, friend, Ms. Fix-it, older sister and a daughter. A regular "person in progress!" Oh yah, and I draw alot! Copyright 2010-2012.

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