Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Grow- Illustration Friday

Grow- Illustration Friday challenge for Oct. 19, 2007.
I was walking with my dog gathering fall leaves to put on my art table for inspiration when I decided to paint this leaf. I wanted to "immortalize" it's beauty for all to see. To me Fall is celebration of growth.


Anonymous said...

This is so pretty! I love all of the colors you used :-)

Cathy said...

Gorgeous colours - I can understand why you wanted to immortalise it!

° said...

the background sets off the colors so well lov it

andrea said...

Hey -- I haven't visited in awhile. You really nailed the colour on black in this drawing. Very sensitive -- nice!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I love the colors in the leaf. It's very well done. :)

Thanks for the comment on my art! :)

Debra Cooper said...

Ellen, this is very striking against the dark background. Fall is a great season especially when the sun shines and a warm wind blows.


charming leaf, nice transparent feel..!

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Delaware, United States
I'm a professional artist, a wife, a step-mother, grand-mother, friend, Ms. Fix-it, older sister and a daughter. A regular "person in progress!" Oh yah, and I draw alot! Copyright 2010-2012.

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