Sunday, July 02, 2006

Sticky*Rainy*Dance- Illustration Friday

Sticky- A quick sketch of an idea I had. Since I missed the last two weeks I wanted to do something and get it in before another week had gone by.
13 hour days at work, a wedding and several Fourth of July picnics have had me busier than "a one-legged man in a butt kicking contest!" Don't miss "Rain" and "Dance" below.
Two years I have stuck with I-Fri...this is the first time I missed any!

Dance- "Margorie knew Harold was having a mid-life crisis; but, when he signed up for belly dancing she had thought there must be more to the picture!"

Rain- In Chili they use dried Quisco Cactus stems to make ceremonial rainsticks
by nailing their long needles back into the stems and adding tiny pebbles. A rainstick may be soothing to listen to, but I have found they quiet a crying child quicker than any method out there!!!!!


frances.designs said...

aww i really like your work :) i especially am fond of ur "rain" depiction :)

Anonymous said...

all three are lovely.

you know, my first thought when i missed dance and then saw the topic rain was to do a rain dance theme :D and then i missed that and came to sticky. i have something for all 3 now and will post it later today.

HARDWAX said...

All the pieces are so good, I think i'll have to try and get a rainstick, could be a big help. Your 'dance' is very funny, I don't blame his wife for becoming suspicious.

Willie Baronet said...

Good job. :-)

Roz Foster said...

Love that rain stick. Beautiful texturing!


Wow, impressive that for two years you hadn´t missed a week of IF! I love that you posted all three of your ideas now while in the midst of being busy. They show your versatility in style and approach. And especially that Harold is such a charmer :)

Ken Chandler said...

What a funny sketch. Just the kind of thing a child would do! HA!
Love the rainstick too! Where can I get one? Great illo!

mbc said...

I enjoyed your "rain" depiction. Nice texture and rendering.

carla said... certianly made up for the missed weeks! Each drawinf is different...I think my favorite is the top one because it reminds me of my son when he was little...overalls and sticky all the time! This kid has a bit of a problem...looks like he's going to get a haircut:> The bottom illo is so well done. I love the treatment of the wood.

Anonymous said...

Like your style in the rainstick the best!
Can imagine it helps to get a child quiet, it's a comfortable sound in the stick.

Andrea said...

dance is my favorite ... I enjoy all three!

my grandma used to say working harder than a one legged man standing on a pile of snakes.

Joy Eliz said...

Oh these are fantastic! Really love the rain stick!!

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Delaware, United States
I'm a professional artist, a wife, a step-mother, grand-mother, friend, Ms. Fix-it, older sister and a daughter. A regular "person in progress!" Oh yah, and I draw alot! Copyright 2010-2012.

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