Sunday, May 14, 2006

Angel and Devil

"No matter how hard Damian tried he just couldn't make a 'snow devil!!"


Radha a.k.a Ratlion said...

Lol...clever take on the topic :D

MD said...

This is so funny! Poor wee devil!!!

HARDWAX said...

This is a funny and cool idea, as long as the angel is hovering in the cloud, don't think the little devil has a chance. So creative and fun!

Linda said...

So funny and your charactors are fabulous!

Willie Baronet said...

That is very funny. And pink ink is the best. :-)

Heartful said...

Fantastic, and a great idea.

Wilnara said...

Funny!!! That Damian will never learn!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hehe, that's great stuff :)

Kay Aker said...

Really clever and fun!

valerie walsh said...

hilarious and fun! love it!!!

Michael O'Connell said...

too funny… great idea and illustration…

trowbridge chronicles said...

Funny! What an original idea. You always come up with clever ideas.

Zórdís said...

Poor Damina, there are things demons can-t do!

The angel is adorable, laughing in the sky! As well you have added the paloma of peace in between the opposite powers!

Nice and funny in a way!

Ian T. said...

Heehee, cute!

TXArtcGal said...

Fantastic idea!...and, love the look on that devil's face! Poor guy....NOT!

Queen Tut said...

Haha, just love it!

Kim de Young said...

that angel can't help but rub it in... this is very funny!

° said...

now thats funny lol nice drawing great idea

Unknown said...

HE !HE!! AWESOME idea!! WIcked illo!

Twisselman said...

You have to feel for poor Damian. Love the gloating up in the clouds. Great idea and done just right.

Todd DeWolf said...

Very funny take on the theme. Cheers!

Andrea said...


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Delaware, United States
I'm a professional artist, a wife, a step-mother, grand-mother, friend, Ms. Fix-it, older sister and a daughter. A regular "person in progress!" Oh yah, and I draw alot! Copyright 2010-2012.

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