Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Chair- Illustration Friday. Well, I have to say I had MANY ideas for such a simple word...a woman standing on a chair with a mouse underneath it...chairs with characterization playing instruments- "musical chairs," then the first piece I actually put on paper for this week's word challenge was a pencil sketch of Walt Disney resting in a rocking chair. But, for as long as I spent on it, you would think I learned by now...pencil still does not translate well on the computer.
Then I did a piece called "View from a beach chair" but that wasn't going to be completed on, here you go. A simple graphic instead. A tribute to the type of chair I had at school growing up. (Of course the best part was reading all the graffiti that was written on them and carved into them!)Sakura ink one hour.
At least I got several pieces for my portfolio out of this!!!


Anonymous said...

Wonderful chair, I like the composition and the technique.
Great job!

Amy Zaleski said...

Hey - I like this - simple and beautiful. Brings back memories, especially your mention of reading and adding to graffiti.

Unknown said...

nice illo! Love the bold style!

Caroline said...

Very bold graphic style. And I like your gratitude for the graffiti!

Rayne said...

I like this. Very strong. I would have liked to see the musical chairs, too. The piece sounds interesting.

valerie walsh said...

this is great! Love the perspective! I remember these chairs too...

Seth Russell said...

Very nice! This will be a very nice stylized piece for your portfolio for sure!

Natura said...

Great work! Love the strong line and the graphic look!

Anonymous said...

I remember those times....great work-very clean..*~*
-Marjorie Ann

Unknown said...

Great perspective and strong bold lines. this summer I went back to my grade school and boy do those desks look small now.

Ian T. said...

A chair offering an apple to the teacher? This has really strong composition, linework and texture. I love the exaggerated perspective.

May I suggest something? Please try scanning this at 2bit black and white at 300dpi or higher (you might need to reduce the contrast just slightly), save as a TIFF, then convert to greyscale, resize as needed, and save as a JPEG or GIF. I reckon those black lines would jump off the screen then!

Larry Lee said...

I also like the perspective on this. The heavy lines. I hope this isn't taken as an insult--it reminds me of the clipart you see in publishing packages.

Larry Lee said...

My daughter just pointed out to me that this is a 'left-handed' desk. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

Nice! I like the graphic look of this. Love the size of the apple!
wynlen -

Ellen said..., I'm not insulted by thinking it looks like clip art. When I do a piece and label it a "graphic" that's just what it is...a "clip art-style." Not an illustration. BTW who do you think designs clip art? Artists! Silly!

TheTart said...

Oh, my back to school...noooooooo!

Fun illo!

The Tart

TXArtcGal said...

I laughed as I was reading your post. I had several sketches myself...but not enough time to really perfect any of them, so I went with simple. LOVE your chair...and, thanks for the memories of those carvings! (and, remember the bubble gum underneath...yuck!)...

carla said...

I like the bold lines and strong angles. I agree that the graffiti on those old desks was fun to read, but I never liked the dried up chewing gum...yuck! Good job:>

Nan said...

Thanks for the comment. Love the school desk chair--brings back ... memories.

"Maggie & Kevin" said...

Cool chair, I love the graphic feel of it and the perspective. Nice dot stippling!

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Delaware, United States
I'm a professional artist, a wife, a step-mother, grand-mother, friend, Ms. Fix-it, older sister and a daughter. A regular "person in progress!" Oh yah, and I draw alot! Copyright 2010-2012.

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