Illustration Friday....March 21...."Pet Peeve." My biggest pet peeve about my pet is when he poops the first part of the walk and I get stuck 'holding the bag' as he continues to sniff every rock, tree and bush. I imagine the critters that live in the neighborhood have a pet peeve about my dog interrupting their day. Of course I have to laugh because he manages to miss finding them most of the time. I see them looking hoping he doesn't see them...he must need glasses!"

Happy Easter! Happy Spring!!!
Great pet peeve! Nicely done illustration, particularly your dog and the comical creatures peeking out.
This is funny! The little animals are a great humorous touch. Your bunny above is very sweet, too:>
I must confess I don't feel the weight of decorating pressure! In my neighborhood they just throw extra beer cans in my yard for St. Patrick's!
It's very patience of you to wait for him. I can see you have a real beautiful dog.
Oh! I know that pet peeve all too well. Desperately looking for a nearby trash can, and there never is one when you need it. We try to chase my brothers dog around the backyard before we take her for walks, but its like she knows that's she's holding out for a better toilet.
Too cute Ellen!
Darn Dogs - but that's why we love them!!!!!
Haha i really enjoyed this being a doglover, this is a stinky business! Very funny and i love your Heavy too! btw your new avatar is awesome!
Oh gosh, I know exactly what you mean. I usually carry two plastic bags and one paper lunch bag. After the "*" is in the double plastic I roll it up into the paper bag. It really does cut down on the interaction between what is in the bag and what your nose knows.
Your illustrations are wonderful!
The dreaded bag! Very funny illo. Love all the little details.
I like this drawing, so funny!
Superb illo! I love how the ODOR is drifting right past your nose. Brilliant!
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