ARTyFacts! A lot of art...a few interesting facts. Updated weekly.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
"Bird Sleep." Ok, I think I have the hang of it now. I am really starting to like these watercolour pencils!!! Of course that's about the only medium that doesn't scan very well...:) Posted by Picasa
"The Cheese Stands Alone...wait a minute!" This is me playing with my watercolour pencils. Posted by Picasa
Empty- Illustration Friday. Empty is what mailboxes have become since the dawn of E-Mail! I have to admit...this word sparked five pieces. I chose two to show you. Take a look at the one below also!!! Posted by Picasa
Empty Without You! This is the second piece I did. You will have to forgive the crude colour fill in...I am still expecting my new technology to arrive and can't do programme downloads until then. Posted by Picasa
I'm a professional artist, a wife, a step-mother, grand-mother, friend, Ms. Fix-it, older sister and a daughter. A regular "person in progress!" Oh yah, and I draw alot!
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